on First Principles

the Voice of Liberty-minded, Grassroots Texans

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2021 Guide to Constitutional Amendments on the Ballot

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By Freedom Caucus
Monday, October 18, 2021


Fellow Texan,

As we fight for your right to be free in this state, we also recognize that republics like ours only work through the participation and consent of the governed. During nearly every odd-numbered year, Texans have the opportunity to amend our Constitution. Unlike the U.S. Constitution, the Texas Constitution provides for much of the minutiae of the workings of the State of Texas. Thus, your input is imperative.

With that in mind, we have put together this guide to further assist your research on these initiatives. Indeed—we believe that through informed voting, we can all help preserve liberty in our government and way of life in Texas. We are in this fight together and we’ll keep fighting for you.

So, without further ado, please click here for the Texas Freedom Caucus’s 2021 Guide to Texas Constitutional Amendments on the Ballot.


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Mayes Middleton
State Representative
Chairman, Texas Freedom Caucus

Freedom Caucus

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